All Things…

Thunder rumbles loud. Barely noticed by those beneath the grey sky.

Our noisy world hardly hears a siren, an explosion, a cry for help. Hearing only what is important at the moment. The phone call, the broken printer, the angry client.

But thunder rumbles for a reason, song birds call out for a reason, waves roar for a reason. The noise of creation calls attention to the Creator. The noise of the world calls attention to the seemingly urgent. Distraction from the important.

Wind rustles leaves, raindrops plop – and in the everyday their call is unnoticed. But a moment spent noticing calms the clenching of fists, the drumming of fingers – stress lessens.

As drops splatter and the bubbles form and pop, birds stop calling and tree limbs still. Creation is listening.

Yes, our world is demanding. But all things created need a silent break here and there. A remembering minute to breathe in and let go – to recall: “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17 NIV)


When we think we’re falling apart, or the world is falling apart – remember He holds all things securely in His hands.

When it seems one more thing will do us in – remember our One thing. Jesus, our one desire. We may think we desire money, fame, popularity – or maybe just a good home, healthy kids, and enough to pay the bills. Those are things we chase after to fill a void. Only the void gets wider the more it is filled. But when earthly desire gives in to the Giver, the emptiness fills and our One thing becomes all we need.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2Corinthians 9:8 NIV)


Skies lighten and phones ring. But in the dripping eaves is a message for the soul: quiet enough, long enough, to hear the voice of the One who can make a difference. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)

His purpose is to see us to an eternity with Him. He’s calling in the stormy times and in the laughter, in the heartbreaks and the triumphs. Hear the echo of unfailing love.





5 Comments on “All Things…

    • Was just thinking this morning of how much the hope He has given to us means – it’s how we get through each day and sometimes each moment. Thanking Him for holding us and for your beautiful art in words and pictures 🙂


  1. Pingback: For Your Weekend – Be Still And Know He Is God

    • Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet words of encouragement. He holds us together through all things and is most worthy of praise! Blessings as you walk in the hope He has given us…


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