Fear-less New Year…

Fear is a companion, but not a welcome one. Fear, worry, doubt, dread – words that don’t cheer us but at times are apt descriptions of where we’re living.

Ever noticed fear is often accompanied by comparison? Her kids don’t have the issues my kids have. They don’t have to worry because they have plenty of money, or family, or good looks, or parents who are still alive, or – on and on it goes. But fear is a jail, a trap, handcuffs on our ‘love life’.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1Peter 4:8 NIV)

When we let Jesus’ love wash over us, the traps open free. When we love others more than judge them, the cell doors no longer lock us in.


‘Above all – love – deeply – cover over those missed marks we aimed for and failed at’ – my paraphrase. We can only love deeply because our Jesus so deeply loves us. It’s hard to turn a page in the New Testament without reading of His love.

Want to be a living book like that? As our pages turn, may others be able to look back and see love. Then we can run free in the mercy shown us and delight in the grace given us. Running free enables us to run over with much more grace to others than our tight little cages of ‘what ifs’ and ‘should haves’ ever could.

Today let’s die to self who frets and wake up to love in a way that makes a difference. A difference in me – and you – and a difference in the lives of those whose path we cross.


“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by He own glory and goodness.” (2 Peter 1:3 NIV) Everything we need, it’s ours – for life and for godliness. We are called – and it isn’t a calling to fall daily into the bondage of comparison or worry. Rather a call to fall into the arms of a Savior who reminds us that, with His Father, NOTHING is impossible.

All this, it’s a life-long process. But since we know eternity awaits, with no sorrow – we can begin to live (one day at a time) loving. Just maybe the multitude of our sin – and that we perceive of others – won’t be our focus. Then our companion is no longer fear, but our Savior.

Sweet reader, if fear or worry is a struggle you have, check out this book from Kelly Balarie “Fear Fighting – awakening courage to overcome your fears” www.fearfightingbook.com and check out Kelly’s blog www.purposefulfaith.com where she encourages us to not ‘face our fears’ – but to look to face of Jesus who can overcome them.


10 Comments on “Fear-less New Year…

    • Sarah, thanks for stopping by. Blessings as you step out bravely into 2017, may much laughter be yours, and may much grace and strength from Jesus accompany you along the way…


    • Sarah, as our new year is underway, praying you are able to step brave into all that is ahead, knowing God is holding your sweet hand all the way…


  1. Love your suggestion of trading companions!! Yes and amen. Thank you for sharing. The book was so good!! And comparison is definitely a tempting companion. Convicted by your words today, thank you!


    • Bethany, often we write out of conviction – so right there with you 🙂 Praying 2017 will find your best companion is the One who compares you to no one because He made you so fearfully and wonderfully unique!


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