Growing Up…

Recently I discovered I had made a mistake that bruised my ego in many ways: I looked foolish, like I had no attention to detail – and it could have caused some real problems. Oh how hard it was to fess up to the error. And then the anguish and problems it caused the one who had to take care of it, made me want to run and hide.

Years ago I would have had a hard time even confessing it and I would have had a string of excuses why. I feebly offered a reason, which sounded ridiculous even as I said it. But grace was poured out. Instead of anger and ‘how could you’ there was ‘give me the info, I’ll take care of it’ – and afterwards it was like it never happened.

Hmmm, is that our reaction? How much grace do we pour out – or at least sprinkle here and there?

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2Corinthiiians 9:8 NIV)

And He does – from the moment we realize our pitiful, selfish ways right on through the moment of salvation and then every day thereafter – so much grace overflows. So how about us? If grace flows through us, do we keep it just for ourselves? Is it possible that it abounds so that we might share a little?

Growing up is a life-long process. Some never do. Without the Holy Spirit right there in us, it’s impossible to leave selfish ways behind and become who God created us to be. “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” (1Peter 2:2 NIV) Crave a life that reflects Him, a life that rests in Him, a life directed by Him. He is our very breath and sustains us.

Have children (adult or at home)? Have co-workers? Have a spouse? Have relatives? Have contact with other humans? They will disappoint us, and us them – a little grace goes a long way. And this great gift of grace that we don’t even have to work for, makes way for all to grow up – up towards Him. “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen” (2Peter 3:18 NIV)

13 Comments on “Growing Up…

  1. Beautifully written. I look forward to your posts. They are relatable and inspiring.💞


    • You are right, we are in Grace School for sure – we may never master it but the Master can work it through us – praising Him with you for His works through us 🙂


    • Robin, amazing grace – it is a sweet, sweet sound isn’t it? Blessings as you get it from the One who abundantly showers us with it and as you turn it back to those He’s given you to share it with 🙂


    • Daily dose – I like that. We all need a daily dose and then we can share more of it, right? Blessings as you sprinkle and pour out much grace from the Grace Giver…


  2. ((Hug)) Mistakes are humbling, aren’t they? — What a gift grace is. So true that “a little goes a long way.” So endearing it is to be offered grace. xoxo


    • Thanks for the hug 🙂 we all need one of those now and then. Yes, the gift of grace, what an amazing thing. What a God we serve! Hug back to you…


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