Living the Dream…

Sometimes things aren’t what they seem. Like teen boys putting on a manly persona – one foot still in childhood and the other ready to make their way in the world.

We begin life thinking the universe revolves around us. Somewhere along the way we realize that isn’t so, but we still feel secure. Unless – love hasn’t been abundant. Then we make hard shells around ourselves. Like a cocoon we break out at some designated date as ‘adults’. This is what I see in far too many these days.

They indeed may be successful in business, career, or academics. They’ll tell you they’re living the dream. But what is the dream?

Big money, fame, power, photo perfect bodies? This is what our world would have us believe. Then why so empty and still trying to fill the hole? Dreams based on satisfaction found in what ‘we’ can attain are always short lived. Because, once attained, we move on to what’s next.

Even those with the least self-serving dreams here on earth will only find their fulfillment in the One whose way is narrow. For only He can mend hearts, end bigotry, make bodies whole and healthy, fulfill longings that never seem to be met.

What if living the dream wasn’t things, but a kingdom? No, not castles and servants and whims – God’s kingdom. The one that has no more sorrows or death. “What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever.” (1Corinthians 15:50 NLT)

How to reach young hearts before they lose heart? How to reach hearts so calloused there seems to be no hope? The Word of God. It’s powerful – and it is not up to us to decide if the timing is right. It’s never a waste of time to speak life. If a heart doesn’t accept it today, do we not trust God can use it in their future? “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16 NIV)

We only live in regret when we don’t speak the gift we have – for though man may find it foolishness, it is their very lifeblood. Living the dream – for God’s child it means living in confidence that no matter what happens in the here and now, perfect somedays are awaiting us. It also means making sure those hearts around us don’t miss out.

6 Comments on “Living the Dream…

  1. “Living the dream” was the phrase so often used by a young friend who tragically passed away earlier this year due to a heart attack. It drew me to your post. I loved reading your interpretation of the phrase.


    • How our hearts ache over death and the emptiness it leaves. Thanks to God our Father for sacrificing His Son so we can live not in fear of death but in His triumph over it. May you live His dream for you and walk in that awesome freedom…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Something about all those fluffy delights made me think of ‘sweet dreams’ and so they went with the devotion. Thanks for visiting – and blessings as you walk with the One who has your eternity all set…


  2. Choosing to live for the eternal dream verses the worldly dreams is hard! But it’s so important. So grateful for God’s grace in the process!


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