Hold My Wait…

We’re only one week into a new year and already anxiousness and fretting have penetrated most days.

Oh, I’m good at disguising them in prayers. Asking the only One who can accomplish my God sized longings. Truth is though, the many words and the stomach butterflies show my doubt. Still, He has given me a new word this year: N-e-w. Turning it over and over I see ‘new’ like a kaleidoscope – always changing.

The LORD‘s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 GNT) I love this version of this verse – exploding like a sunrise, fresh like dewy drops on a green leaf. Unfailing love, mercy.

It’s the wait really. Trusting God has it all figured out, but so wanting to see it now.

Where does a waiting, weary world  turn? Often to so much that doesn’t satisfy. Holley Gerth says it just right “I’m learning, slowly, to lean on Jesus instead of flimsy earthly things that can never hold my weight.”

The weight of what a sin-filled world has caused is pressing in on us. Finding ‘new’ every morning becomes a weight-lifter we sorely need. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and steams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV)

A way through the desert of our doubt. Streams of life into parts of our soul we thought long dead.

Praise has a way of restoring, turning dissatisfaction towards joy. An odd concept for most – praising God instead of man and accomplishments. But give it a try. Right now – ‘God you are my One and Only. There is nothing and no one better. You are the definition of love, of joy, of peace.’

When we speak praise we lose worldly weight. In those moments we are no longer held by gravity, but we’re lifted into His presence. So today I ask: ‘Father, hold ‘my wait’ and show me how to live in the newness of Your freedom.’

12 Comments on “Hold My Wait…

  1. Oh, how heavy the weight of waiting can be. I’ve been there. I’m there today in some ways. But I keep looking to shift and lean on Him in the waiting. It’s slow but so worth it.


    • The wait…He uses them doesn’t He? In the waiting we find our real desire, only filled by Him, blessings as you wait in His care…


  2. I have to teach myself to wait on my son. When and if he will want to spend time with me before I leave this world. Maybe it is a lesson that I am to spend more time with my heavenly Father.


    • Ohhh, understand those kind of waits – yes, dear one, hold on to your wait as you hold on to Jesus’ loving hands day and night…


  3. “New” is a wonderful word to focus on this year. I look forward to reading your thoughts on the topic. I am a worrier too. I have to be reminded to turn my worries over to God! Happy New Year!


    • Yes, such a simple three letter word, but so complex in light of who makes us new – looking forward to the journey with you. Blessings as He shows you His new every morning…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. New, is what He does every morning for us & this world too. A new day, a new chance to walk & talk with Him, a new opportunity to love Him & worship Him!
    I like your new word for the new year Paris!


  5. “Praise has a way of restoring, turning dissatisfaction towards joy.” Amen to that! It’s such an easy thing to do; we just too often forget. Thanks for the reminder today.


    • Yes, help us Lord to make praise our default response to life – not something we do only on Sunday or when good things happen. Praising Him with you!


    • The weight of waiting can feel crushing at times. Father, we can’t bear the heaviness of waiting, hold Lauren as she waits and help her to find joy even in the pain. Lighten her load and give her new Holy Spirit insight. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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