What’s it worth?

Worth. That’s a heavy word. So many contexts. The value of an item for purchase versus our budget. The time required for an outcome versus our schedule. Encounters that cause us to pause and ask: is it worth it?

Consciously or unconsciously we weigh decisions and actions daily. It’s worth it to me to sit on the floor with nine month old Theo even though I know my hip will hurt that evening. It’s worth it to me to spend an hour or two on the phone with a dear friend even though I know I have much to do. It’s also become worth it to me to make sure each day starts with prayer and God’s Word.

Become worth it – it hasn’t always been so. Long ago I didn’t even know time with God was important. Then when I did, I had many ‘reasons’ I couldn’t. But life has a way of working on us and in us. And soon we find there are some things that are like breath…necessary.

Jesus found us worth it. What was the cost? Separation from God. Having never been touched by evil and then covered in it. Stretching out His arms willingly to spikes that purchased our eternity.

The worth of us versus eternity without us – Jesus didn’t hesitate. “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7 NIV) The worth of peace versus continued uncertainty – a sacrifice of time to search out God is so worth it.

We form lots of ideas in our heads about how things should be. When things go awry we question and blame and fret. We let our minds go through many ‘what ifs’ – as though God can’t possibly be in the ‘wrong’ outcome. Maybe it’s time to change what if to even if.

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18 NIV)

Even if our deepest concern, hardest day, darkest night is polar opposite of what we thought it should be – we can hold fast to God who knows and wants our best. Even if prayer seems to go no further than the ceiling above us. Even if hope seems to result in only sadness. Even if I give all my time, all my effort, all my money, all of me – and still struggle. Yes, our Father, our Savior, and our Spirit of Truth is worth it. Worth all. Because this is not all there is.

8 Comments on “What’s it worth?

  1. This really touched me, perhaps as I have grown older my “worth it” has evolved and incorporates more & more of my Lord & Savior!


  2. A great reflection on this common word, Paris. He is worthy – He is worth it all.

    As I read, I was reminded of 1 Samuel 15:22-24 where we’re told “To obey is better than sacrifice.” We sometimes think of all the ways we sacrifice for Jesus (or for others). It’s easy to become prideful and self-focused in our serving. But far beyond all that we DO for Him, He simply wants our hearts. He died for us, not so that we could DO MORE for Him, but so that we could BE with Him. A glorious, life-giving Truth! Yes, He is worthy of our sacrifice, worthy of our service… beyond that, He is worthy of our hearts surrendered to His will and His ways (even when His ways seem really hard). He is so gracious with us!

    Thanks for stirring my heart to worship this morning!


    • Amen, Jana – all of us, not just our actions, our very hearts and souls. Beautifully said. Blessings as you journey giving all of you…


  3. I think your words are worth pondering through my day so thank you for taking the time to share them 🙂
    Visiting via the Grace and Truth blog link up.


  4. “Because this is not all there is.” This is so true, and it’s a great thing to keep in mind as we ponder what is worthy of our time and attention. 🙂


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