Peace Whispers…

mama cardinal pixa x     Yesterday mama and papa bird landed outside my window to entertain me for a few minutes. His was bright red with black eyeliner. She was plumper with a brown back and blonde breast – but it was those tail feathers and beak that caught my attention…bright orangey red. Truly she looked like she kept lipstick in her nest.

I watched as they hopped around and flitted to and fro and then zoomed off as suddenly as they had arrived. It was such a vivid picture of how creation doesn’t worry or fret – daily His little critters build their nests, find their food, and show off to us…to remind us – remind us of how much beauty is all around us, how much our desire to be our own god has spoiled things, and how much He loves us that He would grace our world with such beautiful reminders…

daisy in ripple pixa xx

Just before dusk the rumbling started, the sky lit up and I was called outside. Sitting on the porch I closed my eyes and listened as the rumbling got louder, increasing in frequency. As my husband joined me he pointed up high in the tree where a large bronze hawk sat keeping watch, waiting for the storm to pass. He was majestic and showed no fear. He wasn’t tucked in far amongst the branches, but rather just perched on one below a clump of leaves acting as his umbrella.

drops on line pixa x

Slowly the drops began to fall and that wonderful smell that only summer rain brings made me breathe deep and exhale peace. I sat quietly…swirling breezes playing in my hair, rain coming harder, wind sweeping it down the street. Fresh, all the air was fresh. Satisfied, all the ground was satisfied. Soothed, the God who commands the storms, who pulses the lightening and rumbles His power, who provides – soothed my anxious mood.

Clouds lifted, drops became mist, the hawk took off over the rooftops. How do we in our anxious world find peace? By looking at all He has made realizing He has it all under control. Peace comes in the whispers of His assurance and the shouts of his beautiful creation…

bird roof pixa x



4 Comments on “Peace Whispers…

    • Melinda, you are so sweet, His assurance spoken softly to our hearts but displayed so no one can miss it. Have a wonderful weekend!


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