Tag: awe

Every Morning

Morning person or night owl? I’ve always been an early riser – love to greet the day (these days earlier than necessary but that’s an age thing and a whole other subject, not going there). In that stillness of pre-dawn, I pad around while… Continue Reading “Every Morning”


I don’t like surprises. (Weird, I know.) In the many years I’ve been married, my husband has maybe been able to surprise me once or twice. I’m just one of those people who likes knowing what’s next. Our sweet group of Jesus lovers is… Continue Reading “Surprise!”


I miss wonder. I’m sure I was once in awe at a dragonfly, a popsicle, a walk in the garden. Kids ask a lot of questions. Why is your hair crazy gwammy? How are your tacos cooking gwammy? Did Jesus make the legos too?… Continue Reading “Why”


We’re at that point: the place somewhere between the excitement of the approaching celebration and the fulfillment of all the plans and preparations. The longing time. Longing, in some ways, to move on because it seems life is too hectic. But really longing for… Continue Reading “Longing”


When was the last time you were surprised? Excited? I’m pretty hard to surprise. Drives my hubby crazy. Top it off with being very practical, so I don’t get too excited about things either. But there have been those occasions – when I was… Continue Reading “Surprise…”

So Rich…

     Aweful – so, being rich is being awe-full. Long before our current use of the word awful, there was the common use of the word aweful. Being full of awe, of an awesome God… Recently a young woman sat two chairs over from me… Continue Reading “So Rich…”

Candidly Christian

Living Braver

Happy Toddler Playtime

Play Creatively With Your Little One

Lisa Appelo

Living Braver

Emily P. Freeman

Living Braver


Living Braver

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